In my life Lord be glorified, be glorified. In my life Lord, be glorified today.
Father, it is with a humbled heart and sincere mind that we approach your throne of grace yet another day to worship and adore you. You are our heart’s desire and our soul’s delight. There is none like you. We worship and praise you all the day long. You are worthy of all our adoration, accolades, love and affection. We withhold nothing; everything we have, everything we are, and everything we ever hope to be is wrapped up in you. Glory to your holy name.
Lord, we challenge ourselves to serve you more and more everyday. We labor to be more loving, kind, gracious and true. Just like you.
Holy Ghost help us now. Help us to love; even those that seem unlovable. Help us to teach; even those that seem unteachable. And help us to reach your children everywhere. Fill us with your power, purpose, and plan. Instruct us. Anoint us. Appoint and direct us this day we pray. And let us always be mindful to give you the highest praise in all that we say, think, or do. It’s in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord that we do pray.