There’s nothing so precious as Jesus to me; Let earth with its treasures be gone. I’m rich as can be when my Savior I see; I’m happy in Jesus alone.
Father, we bless your holy and righteous name. You are good, kind and benevolent to all your children. You are merciful, honest and true to all that love and honor you. And we know you will be gracious, forgiving, generous and long-suffering to each of us that come before your throne this morning.
Lord, we come to you with our petitions, supplications, desires, thoughts and oppressions. We know you are a burden bearer. We rejoice to know you are our friend. Please hear our cries for help, pleas for mercy and lamentation for relief. The trials of this world are pressing us. We solicit your help, guidance, compassion, comfort and love.
Holy Spirit, save us now we pray. Come, intervene in our most private affairs. Mediate, manage, control and correct all that may be going awry. Destroy the works of the Enemy. Establish your love, your grace and your Kingdom in every place, space, heart and mind. Create in us clean hearts and renew right spirits in us that we may forever be pleasing in your sight. These things we pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord.