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In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, we have the victory. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, demons will have to flee. Tell me who can stand before us when we call on that great name? Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, we have the victory.

Father, this morning as we bow before Your presence, we open wide our mouths to bless Your glorious name. We shout it from the mountaintops, and we scream it from the valleys low. With all that is within us, we give You all glory, honor and praise.

Lord, we seek to do something this day to make You proud of us. We ready our hearts and minds to work tirelessly to advance Your Kingdom. We position our attitudes and adjust our thinking to match Your directives. We surrender our thoughts, desires, actions and deeds to Your holy will. Have Your way in us we pray. 

Holy Spirit, fill us with Your power. Fill us with love, affection, grace, kindness, compassion, mercy, charm and delightfulness. Through the power of Your anointing, grant us the charisma and character of Christ. Make us more like You Lord. In Jesus name we pray. 
