A change, a change has come over me. He changed my life and now I'm free. He washed away all my sins, and he made me whole, He washed me white as snow. He changed, my life complete, and now I sit, I sit at his feet. To do what must be done, I'll work and work, until he comes. A wonderful change has come over me. A wonderful change has come over me.
Father, we bless your wonderful name forevermore because you, that are from everlasting to everlasting, have decided to love and cherish each of us. Your affection is never ending, and your grace and mercy are boundless. Your love is beyond measure and your favor remains upon us all. Thank you. Thank you. What a mighty God we serve.
Lord, we seek to do your will this day. Empower us and grace us with your holy presence. Holy Spirit move in us, through us, surround us and anoint us. Let our lives be examples for the world to see. Allow the light of your salvation to cause us to shine. Illuminate us, sanctify and make us holy.
And Lord, please have mercy on the countless souls in need today. Remember our wayward family and friends that may have forsaken your salvation. Forgive them and bring them to you now we pray. Heal the broken-hearted, the depressed, distressed, fearful, frightened and all those overwhelmed by the issues of life. Bring peace to distant lands and the joy of your righteousness to us all. These things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord