With my hands lifted up, and my mouth filled with praise; with a heart of thanksgiving, I will bless you Oh Lord. I will bless you Oh Lord, I will bless you Oh Lord; with a heart of thanksgiving, I will bless you Oh Lord.
Father, we wake to the realization that this new day offers us the grand privilege of serving you anew. We seek to redeem ourselves for the failures of yesterday. We beg for forgiveness of our sins and shortcomings. We desire only to serve you in Spirit and in Truth. Today is a new opportunity to embrace you, to grow closer, and to know you better. Therefore every waking moment we seek you face, and even in our deepest sleep, our souls sing your praises. Thank you for another day.
Lord, it’s not the absence of the storm, but your presence that we rejoice in. As long as you are there, we are confident, encouraged, fortified and renewed. Your holy countenance and shekinah glory encapsulates us and keeps our hearts and minds from all harm. Even in the midst of turmoil, we are not afraid. Though we face the shadows of death and the winds of destruction, we fear no evil because you are forever with us.
Holy Ghost, strengthen our resolve this morning we pray. Increase our faith and solidify our hope in you, and only you. Cause us to see you more clearly, follow you more dearly and abandon all sin and unrighteousness. Please heal us, help us, complete and fill us. These things we ask to the glory and honor of Jesus Christ our Lord.