Amazing grace shall always be my song of praise; for it was grace that brought my liberty. I'll never know just why he came to love me so, He looked beyond my faults and saw all my needs. I shall forever lift my eyes to Calvary! To view the cross where Jesus died for me. And how marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul, He looked beyond my faults and saw all my needs.
Father, we come to Your throne room of grace this morning readily admitting our reliance on You and Your love. Where would any of us be had it not been for Your grace? How could any of us survive without Your mercy, kindness and compassion? You are our only salvation, hope and liberation. In Your presence (and only in Your presence) can we experience the fullness of joy. Glory be to Your wonderful name.
Lord, as we reflect on Your sacrifice at Calvary, we do so in remembrance of all the glorious things You are presently and currently blessing us with. You woke us this morning and started us on our way. You gave us life, liberty, love and affection. We bless Your name.
Holy Ghost, help us now we pray. Strengthen us for the journey ahead. Lead, guide and protect us as we go along our way. Teach us. Speak to us. Empower, and infuse us with Your love. These things we ask in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord.