By and by, when the morning comes, when all the saints of God are gathered home; We will tell the story how we've overcome. And we'll understand it better by and by
Our Father in heaven, how we love and adore you. We lift our hearts in adoration and our hands as a sign of surrender to your will, your way and your Word. You are sovereign, complete, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient; knowing all things, covering all space, controlling everything, needing counsel from no one else. You are God alone. All power is in your hands. Blessed be the name of our God.
Holy Spirit, we invite your presence into our hearts this morning. We need your guidance, strength, comfort and joy. Overshadow us this morning with the radiance of your glory cloud. Infuse our hearts and minds with your anointing from on high. Move on us, in us and through us this day we pray.
Lord, we repent for every thought, action, word or deed that does not glorify your name. We ask forgiveness for the sins we’ve committed, the actions we rebelliously omitted, and the attitudes we harbor even now that aren’t in keeping with your loving and kind nature. Reveal to us our wrongs, and we will make them right. Uncover our transgressions in secret that we never bring your name to open shame. And now let the words of our mouths and meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight in Jesus name we pray.