![The Guy in the Middle Said So](https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2023/03/26/09/52/07/a0b60df4-bd7d-4380-9a45-6b21e1393149/SunServiceMar26THUMB.jpg)
2 Peter 3:8-10
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
This month our focus has been on the person of Jesus Christ from Creation to the Cross. The study has been outstanding. We learned, the Lamb was slain and the cross prepared before creation ever took place. Before the world was formed, God already considered us. Consequently, we must conclude that it is impossible for humanity to truly appreciate the beauty of creation without the cross. Through creation we received every benefit of life and living. We received the breath of life, the joy of family, the splendor of nature and the benefits of fellowship. But with all that we’ve been granted through creation, we still lacked the absolute assurance of the unconditional love of God until we experience the cross. As much as creation gave us, it is at the cross where we encounter the absolute love of God. His sacrifice in the person of Jesus Christ proved once and for all of His favor and unconditional love for us. There’s no more doubting. There’s no escaping the fact that God did everything possible to demonstrate His commitment to us. Now it’s our turn.
I challenge us this morning to reject the lore of carnality and embrace the call of holiness, which is the only rational response to the great love of God through Jesus Christ. But just like Christ, our commitment must be proven. The operational component to our challenge is to clearly identify the markers of holiness verses those of carnality. So here we go. In the simplest terms possible, let’s describe sin as selfishness, and holiness as selflessness.
Case in point. A child is born totally and completely selfish. They have no concern for anything or anyone else. And that’s expected. But as we mature and realize our greater responsibilities, we are expected to reduce self gratification and selfish ambitions for the benefit of family. And the same must happen in the Church of Jesus Christ. As much as we may aspire for self indulgence, titles, accolades, fortune and fame, the Spirit of Christ compels us to surrender everything for the good of what pleases the Lord. And he seeks that no one should perish.
The fulfillment of our destiny is not found in the work we do or the titles we bear, but by the love we share with those that don’t yet know the Lord. Our walk must be in alignment with the will of God. No matter how noble we think what we’re doing is, or wonderful we have deemed our efforts to be, it is nothing at all, unless it comports to the Word, the way, and will of Almighty God.
On the cross at Calvary Jesus did the unthinkable. He pardoned a man justly sentenced to death and invited him to join him in Paradise. The man, by his own admission, was worthy of death. But Jesus pardoned him. The guy wasn’t baptized. He never went to church, paid tithes, sang in the choir, ushered, join Sunday School or VBS, but if ever he was asked what qualified him to be in heaven all he has to say is, ‘because the guy in the middle said so’.
I think we could all agree the “thief” on the cross was highly dysfunctional. But please consider this. If the Lord qualified us for our functions, he’d have to disqualify us for our dysfunctions. And because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, none would make it. But because he neither qualifies you or disqualifies you predicated upon how you function, we get to be with him because of his grace and mercy.
Beloved, what Christ did on the cross was a completed work. Nothing more is needed to be done to secure your salvation. John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Our negative assessment of others only further demonstrates the selfishness that’s still remaining is us. Let’s work in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to ensure everyone makes it. God want everyone saved. And we must desire that too, because the Guy in the middle said so.
God Bless