
Matthew 16:13-16
Everybody Don’t Know Who Jesus Is!

Matthew 16:13-16

When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

In this day and time it may sound a bit crazy to ask someone do they know of Jesus. Of course we’ve heard of Jesus. Just about anyone who can read, surf the net or watch television has come across the story of Jesus at some point. But this morning my question is a bit more probing. Yes, you might know who Jesus was, but I want to know, do you really know who Jesus is?

In our scripture this morning, Jesus asked the same probing question to his disciples. He knew he was being talked about. He understood his reputation and popularity were growing, but were people really cognizant of who he really was? Or really is?

The exchange between Jesus and his disciples was very telling. The disciples could immediately answer what the word on the street was. They gave Jesus several variations of what popular opinion had to say. But when he asked the more significant question (who do you say I am) only Peter had the audacity to proclaim the deity of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. And Jesus said even Peter didn’t get this from simple deduction, intellect, reasoning or logic. Jesus proclaimed that this level of recognition comes only as the Father gives revelation. It is not intuitive or instinctive, it’s Spiritual. 

Many may ask, ‘okay, what’s the big deal’? ‘Isn’t it enough that I believe he exist and acknowledge him as a savior’; why can’t I just celebrate the Jesus that was in the Bible’? (I’m really glad you asked.) The Jesus in the scriptures came to set humanity free from the penalty of sin, which is death. He was successful in his mission and through his death he gained eternal life for all who believe in him. That’s John 3:16, right. We all know that scripture: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes on him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. Thats a promise from God Almighty. But this promise comes with a challenge. The challenge here is to keep on believing in Jesus. And that’s where it gets difficult sometimes.  

You see, the Jesus of the Bible was a healer, a deliverer, a miracle worker, a priest, prophet, teacher and provider. He never let folk down. He never failed to be there on time. And the one time he was late, he just woke Lazarus up and kept on going. Who couldn’t believe on a God like that? 

But how many have had different experiences and outcomes than what you’re reading in the Bible? Preacher, I know you said he’s a healer, but I’m still sick. I know you said he’s a provider, but I’m still broke. I’m still going through. I’m still unhappy. I’m still unattached. I’m still struggling. Do I have a witness?  

Dearest child of God, that’s where knowing the Living Christ comes in handy. The crucified Christ brought salvation and eternal life. The Living Christ brings power and abundant life. I contend it’s hard to impossible to overcome the challenge of doubt, disbelief and discouragement without a current, present-day, God given revelation of who Jesus is; not simply who he was. 

Knowing Jesus is not an intellectual pursuit, it’s in your Spiritual attainment. The truest sign of a child of God is the anointing. The anointing makes the difference. You must be born again…of the water, and the Spirit. Thats how you make it through. Thats how you determine who knows him and who doesn’t…cause Everybody Don’t Know Who Jesus Is!

God Bless