Matthew 6:22-23
The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
I would argue that one of the most expressive scriptures in all the Bible is found at John 3:16; “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” It contains all the information any believer could ever want (or need) to make a clear declaration to love and follow Jesus Christ. It speaks of the irrepressible love of God, who chose us while we were yet rebellious sinners and enemies of his Kingdom. It speaks of the perfect plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, his selfless sacrifice, obedience and triumphant ascension to the Throne of Glory. And it expresses the great promise of eternal life with the Lord to all that believe.
What more could we ask for? This should excite every believer. It’s our hope and the core foundation of our faith; yet many of us, if not most of us, find ourselves still looking for additional verification. We still seek additional confirmation, corroboration and heavenly endorsement. And that’s where this morning’s text comes in. Anytime we have trouble seeing the goodness of the Lord, especially when it’s as plainly stated as it is here today, our vision is off, and darkness looms on the horizon...because the eyes don’t lie.
Matthew 6 is part of the extensive teaching of Jesus commonly referred to as the Sermon on the Mount. In this discourse, Jesus pinpoints several areas of life that he would expect his new followers to adhere to. He gives instruction on prayer. We now call that section, the Lord’s Prayer. He gives guidance on giving and on fasting and on serving. And on the eyes.
Today’s two short verses sum up all he had to say about the eyes at the time, but what powerful statements they made!?! Though not a literal expression, we all intuitively understand exactly what Jesus meant. Sometimes the Gospel we receive, and nod in affirmation, sing, dance and pledge our allegiance to, is often hyperbole and exaggerated theatrics that we have little intention of living out in strict adherence. Sure, we mean well. Of course, we intend to make a valiant effort. But until the absolute truth of the power of his Living word is rooted deep in our souls, we find that we falter, trip and stumble at the slightest test or trial. If you walk in darkness, you will always be uncertain, and subject to falling. But if you walk in the light...
There’s something about the eyes that are foretelling. A writer once wrote, ‘eyes are the windows to the soul’. Not Bible, but a spiritual reality for sure. Lovers gaze into each other’s eyes to affirm the deep and unmistakable look of affection that cannot be denied. Combatants look to see if they can find weakness, doubt or fear in their enemy’s eyes. Mothers can tell if their children are truthful simply by looking deep into their eyes. And true faith in the Lord, will undoubtedly show up in our eyes if we surely have it.
But we are often lead astray by our own devices, ambition, traditions and cultural nuances. We spend an inordinate amount of time, energy and resources trying to show other folk how ‘holy’ we are. It’s as if we think the proof is in our clothes, or food, or church affiliation, denomination, or pious lifestyle. But none of that is proof positive. The proof is in the eyes.
Nothing in life is more important than seeing God for the loving Father that he truly is. And next to that, seeing the blessedness of your relationship with him. I can’t adequately express my heart to you today other than to remind you of how valuable and precious you are to God.
Dear Child of God, your worth in Christ is not determined by what others see. Your worth is measured by what you see. When you can see Jesus in the midst of the storm and still give him praise, that’s true vision. After you’ve fallen and you failed God miserably, and still understand that he loves you with undying affection, that’s true vision. Serving God is more about developing relationship than it is creating tasks; or impressing people. And finally, when you simply hear the name of Jesus mentioned and your eyes light up with excitement, that’s what the Lord was talking about. Remember, the eyes don’t lie!
God Bless