
Amos 3:3
The Power of Agreement

Amos 3:3

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Agreements come in all shapes, sizes and colors; from a simple head nod, a verbal commitment, to a formal contract. These are all indications of agreement. Agreements among partners is essential. Without agreement, nothing moves. But the true power of agreements is best evaluated by the systems in place to manage disagreements. Two parties in perfect harmony needn’t establish any formal agreement. It’s only when there’s the possibility that one of the parties may misinterpret the scope of the contract, that additional clarity becomes necessary. A well drafted agreement is imperative if two or more parties ever hope to walk together in harmony. 

The prophecy of Amos really resonates with me on several levels. His word was not conciliatory, placating or by any means soft. He spoke directly and specifically to the ire of God regarding the lackluster attitude His people had toward His laws and statutes. Although they worshipped and had a form of godliness, their hearts were far from Him…as demonstrated by their treatment of distressed people. Amos prophesied during a time when the leadership of the Children of Israel thought themselves better than the average person. The king and religious folk were indifferent and oblivious to the trials of the common man. And they couldn’t cared less. As we know, nothing angers God more. 

For 20 years I served as manager of Community Development for the City of East Orange. But my title can be somewhat misleading. As manager of Community Development, I never fed anyone. I never housed, clothed, cared for, or comforted anybody. Actually I had little to no interaction with the community at all. What I did for 20 years was craft agreements. Community Development agreements. I was responsible for crafting agreements with agencies that would provide, food, housing, clothing, mental health, etc. And I became infamous in doing so. 

You see, I held the purse strings to one of the few pots of discretionary funds the City has access to. Everyone had to come to me and ask permission to utilize them. And generally my answer was, “No”. Consequently, City Council disliked me, my boss despised me, the mayor tolerated me, (but was cautious), and the town folk were wary of me as well. It was perfect training to become a pastor! 

Now let me tell you how I got this power. While I worked at the City, I didn’t work for the City. I was in the City, but not of…actually, I worked for a higher authority. God? Not only GOD. I worked for HUD. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. And in that role I had one objective: Stay out of jail!

Let me see if I can make sense of this. HUD gives money to cities and towns to make the lives of the citizens better. The money can be used for countless endeavors. People can come from anywhere. But everyone must abide by their agreement, or face the wrath of the federal government. Without getting too deep in the weeds, allow me to explain. The government has a statute (law) that is irrevocable. There’s no leeway or leniency. And it states, every dime of federal money must directly benefit low income people or families. That’s it. Along with that law there are a ton of regulations accompanying that statute. The statute is simple. But regulations can be interpreted differently at times. And that’s where I came in. My expert analysis and keen sense of fairness, made me a formidable and valuable employee. Lol. Actually, I had only one skill that kept me employed. I could read, interpret and write agreements that HUD endorsed. 

Today, we gather to consider the power of our agreements. I wish I was coming with exciting and happy news that would make you all dance for joy; but I come with the same posture as I did at my job. Irrespective of what we want to do, all our activities, functions, positions and callings are subject to the statutes of the controlling force of our agreements. God’s statute is well known to us all. Love God, and love people (Matthew 22:37-39). But then there are accompanying regulations and requirements. And that’s where we must stop and study the details of our agreement as it pertains to the activities we hope to engage in. 

We love to sing and dance. I know I do. But where is the love? How is it directly benefiting those hurting, despondent, depressed and oppressed? Is the activity wrong? No! Just not enough to meet the statutory eligibility criteria for GOD. We must endeavor to do more. Read the agreement again. You will find the key to every blessing, every benefit, deliverance and victory, begins and ends with love. And not just saying we love God, but direct benefit to the people He’s placed in your life. 

God Bless